Sunday, August 30, 2020

5 Reasons to Encourage Spending Less Time on Your Phone

Mobile Phones can be a boon or a bane. But the truth is: they have consumed us, and every minute we are allowing them to destroy us. As per the several researches, we have been spending an ample number of times on our mobile phones. Hence, this is a subtle ring of the alarm clock to give us enough warnings to STOP, come out of the ‘Virtual’ world, and start living in the ‘Reality.’

I know due to current situation of heavy dependency on technology it could be bit difficult but with some hands-on practice we can at least restrict the usages. We closely worked with few experts, studied the user behaviour, and gathered some useful tips and techniques to help you reduce the time spent by you on phones.

Here are the 5 Tips to Follow:

1.       1. Turn off the Notification

2.       2. Check Date and Time

3.       3. Start Writing Notes on Paper

4.       4. Know the Actual Use of Your Phone

5.       5. Phone-Free Period

6.       6. Train the Mind for “Tech-break”


 1. Turn the notifications off:

Here’s Tip no 1, notifications can act as the biggest hindrance, which makes you check your phone again and again and again. Does even a single notification turn into browsing for an hour, and then you end up going to other notifications that consume all of your time? It has become super easy to get sucked by the world of social media.

Hence, now is the time for you to disable all the notifications. One can always mute the devices to avoid the audio alerts, can act as the first step towards running away from the information.

2. Start Writing Down Your Notes on Paper:

Don’t become so dependent on your phone for each and everything. Start writing your important tasks and reminders on paper, a printable calendar could be a great option. You may place them at most accessible locations; where you don’t miss them, like your workstation, almirah, refrigerator, kitchen wall or anywhere you feel comfortable.

There are many formats available free online, like monthly printable calendars, weekly calendars, daily planners. That way you can manage your short term and long-term tasks in a more tangible way. It is said, once you write something on paper it remains in your memory for longer time.

3. Know the actual usage of your phone:

It is time to get a reality check by actually acknowledging the cold stats which might hit you hard on your face. There are several apps available that help to accurately monitor the usage of the phone. You can even see detailed stats about where and how do you use your time on your phone.

 These apps allow the users to set alarms in case the user is using his or her phone excessively.

4. Phone-Free periods:

There are many instances in a day, where you can do without a phone, such as a dinner table, bathroom while reading a book or watching your favorite series. During the day, it is essential to set up phone-free days by putting your phone on Airplane mode for the very one-hour right after you wake up.

 Learn to give yourself a little ‘Me Time,’ which is so essential in today’s time.

5. Train the mind for ‘Tech Breaks’:

This has proven to be a very effective way of reducing your phone usage habit. Just train your mind that you have one minute to go through all the notifications on your phone, such as texts, calls, news, emails, etc. and then don’t touch your phone for the next hour.

 Continue this practice for the entire day to see a remarkable change. 


I hope these tips will help you live livelier without stress and closer to real things than virtual. At today’s challenging time its very necessary to give yourself a much needed break from the ever evolving technologies.

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